What is a Tabata Workout?
Tabata is a type of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) technique that aims to generate the maximum benefits in a short duration.
Named after it's creator, Dr. Izumi Tabata who invented it in 1996, Tabata allows you to do almost any exercise but with a specific interval format. In a Tabata workout you start with 20 seconds of high-intensity exercise then rest for 10 seconds. This is repeated for 8 sets.
Why use a Tabata Timer?
Tabata by nature requires accurate interval training. A Tabata Timer, such as Exercise Timer, is required to guide your intervals. An interval Timer will ensure that you do not stop because you get tired, but that you push on until the time is up.
Using this online Tabata Timer is easy. Just Tap 'Start' to Start the Interval Training.
If you wish to vary the active/rest duration or the rounds you can do so from the controls below the timer. You also have the option to enable sound for a sound alert the last 3 seconds of an interval. This will help you prepare for the next interval.